
Black Holes and Cosmic Censorship

  Introduction Once a purely mathematical prediction from Einstein's theory of general relativity, black holes have been discovered to exist in nature. In the modern day, they have been used as the arena to broaden our understanding of gravity. In the past six years alone we have witnessed achievements such as the Nobel Prize for developments in black hole physics, the discovery of gravitational waves from two black holes colliding, and the first image of a black hole being taken. These advancements made for catchy headlines in the media, and along with movies like Interstellar that used black holes as a plot point, it is safe to assume the general public is aware that black holes exist. However, those interested in delving deeper into this subject -even those with a background in mathematics- may quickly become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information.  This post will serve as an introduction to black holes and will only require basic knowledge in calculus. First, a bir...